Want to join, but don't know where to start? 

What is dragon boating?  

Dragon boating is a thrilling team paddling sport originating from China. Teams race in boats adorned with decorative dragon heads and tails, with typical crew sizes of 22, including 20 paddlers, a steerer, and a drummer. Race lengths vary from 200m to 2km. This sport, still associated with the traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, is now celebrated worldwide.

Is there an age limit? 
In New Zealand, participants must be at least 12 years old to get in a boat, but there's no upper age limit. Dragon boating is for everyone!
What if I don't have a team?  
No worries! Check "Our Teams" page from September to see who is recruiting. Attend a training session to try it out, or join one of our "Give It A Go" (GIAG) events advertised on our Facebook page.   Facebook Page
When should I join?
Our summer season starts in October, so our clubs will be looking for paddlers from September and throughout the season. Contact us to find out more. 
Do we need our own boat?
Nope! The Auckland Dragon Boat Association provides the boats for practices from October to April and at all regional Association events. 
Do I need my own lifejacket and paddle?  
We've got you covered! Just show up, and we'll provide everything you need.
What should I wear for practices?   
Wear comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing that fits snugly. A thermal layer like Dri-fit, Coolmax, or Polypropylene is a good idea. Opt for shorts or tights for your lower body. Avoid new running shoes; old shoes, water sandals, or aqua socks work best. You might want to bring a change of clothes for after practice. Some people prefer sitting on a gardening pad or towel during practice.
Wow - dragon boating looks really hard. Do I need to be super fit?  
Not at all! Dragon boating is one of the easiest sports to learn. While a reasonable fitness level helps, stamina builds over time as you train with your crew. We support each other in a friendly, encouraging environment.
But what if it rains? 
We're tough! We often paddle in the rain as the water can be calmer. Show up regardless of the weather; we assess conditions before heading out. If the weather is unsafe, we'll cancel practice and think of something else to do.
Can we capsize?  
Yes, but it's rare. With a Level 2 qualified sweep and following instructions, the chances are minimal. We have a capsize procedure that all our sweeps and coachese are familar with.  
What sort of safety measures are in place?  
Each crew undergoes a safety session covering capsize and rescue procedures. All paddlers must be able to swim 50 meters and wear life jackets during all training sessions.
What if I can't swim?  
It's a safety requirement that all participants can swim 50 meters. Swimming classes are available at the YMCA and other pools. Learn to swim in a month, and then join us!
What should I expect in my first session?
Expect a warm welcome! You'll meet the team, learn basic paddling techniques, and get a feel for the boat. Bring a positive attitude and be ready to have fun!
How often do you train?  
Teams typically train 1-3 times a week from October to March, with a three-week break over Christmas
Where is training?  

Westhaven Marina, Public Boat Ramp, Pier Z, Auckland City ,

Lake Pupuke, Killarney Park 

When are the dragon boat events held?
  • November - Hamilton races
  • December - Auckland Training Camp
  • January/Febraury - Auckland Anniversday Day Regatta
  • Feburary - Kai Iwi Lakes training and camping weekend
  • March - Wellington Festival
  • March - Regional Championships (Auckland)
  • March/April - National Championships 
  • June - August - Auckland Winter Series events
How competitive are the races?
Races vary from friendly competitions to high-stakes championships. Whether you're in it for fun or aiming for gold, there's a place for everyone.
Can my family and friends watch?
Absolutely! We encourage supporters to come and cheer. Dragon boat races are thrilling to watch and make for a great family outing.
How much does it cost?
That's up to the individual crews. The ABDA has an annual team affliation fee and individual paddler fee that, but mangers of each team collect all the fees. There's also event fees - Some teams prefer to pay as you go, others prefer to get it done and dusted at the start of the season
How do I join?  
From the end of September each year keep an eye on our website for teams recruiting new paddlers. If you're eager right now, contact us to find out more